WWOOFing at Lot 11

Here is some stuff you should know.

Our home
Our household comprises 2 adults and 3 kids and is a noisy, messy, but mostly happy household!

Compost toilet
We have a compost toilet. The use of which is based on a you fill it, you empty it principal. Please do not dispose of synthetics or plastics down the loo.

Limited water
We use our own rainwater for drinking and washing. We live in a dry part of Australia so we do not have a lot of water. Please only take short (2mins max) showers - preferably every 2-3 days

We are relatively isolated
- the closest shops are a 20 minute drive into town.
- there is no public transport
- you can ony travel via catching a lift with someone from the community
- we have a community bus for school runs in the morning and afternoon during school terms
Having said that, Fryers Forest is a very beautiful place to be and why would you want to go into town anyway.

We would like you to use environmentally friendly soaps and shampoos (low phosphate).

Internet Access
We have wireless internet access available for WWOOFers (not all homes have this capacity).

Mobile Phones
Mobile phone reception is patchy (some phones work better than others.) Some phones do not work at all.

We expect 4-6 hours work per day (not usually on weekends but we expect some flexibility is required if there are weekend community working bees etc.

We always expect help with all kitchen duties - particualrly washing up.

Regular tasks

Chooks AKA Chickens
- daily chores
Chooks need to be let out of house and into the small run in the morning.
Check they are let out of house when you wake up (this is Hamish's job, but we all forget sometimes!)
Check eggs during day (keeps eggs from being stolen or eaten)
Feed wheat in the morning handful each chook per morning (we have 12 chooks).
Check water for chooks, inside and outside the house - clean and fresh water is critical for chook health.
At 1.30pm - 2pm take chook bucket with kitchen scraps down to chooks and et them out of their run into the main orchard.
at dusk Lock the house where the chooks sleep.

Let Cath know if the chooks wheat is getting low as it takes a week to get another delivery.
Let Cath know if there is anything unusual about the chooks
Count the chooks regularly to make sure none are going missing.

Empty Ash form fire and Compost bucket into the compost bins.

Make sure when we are cooking on the wood fire that there is wood and kinlding beside the stove.

Garden produce
- collect food from garden so we use it!

Specific daily tasks as created by Stewart or Cath!

We love WWOOFers to suggest particular projects that they'd like to do around the property. We are open to innovation and ideas (and creativity!)

Check the WWOOFer blog for ideas...